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We welcome any visitor who is interested in the topic of our event !

A positive relationship of grand tradition and the intention to preserve historic and contemporary objects as historical primary sources for posterity characterize the collecting of historical artefacts.

FORUM HISTORICUM September 2022: 


Military Museum  (WTS) Koblenz


German Society for Military History


German Society for Orders and Medals 


FESAC - Foundation for European Societies of Arms Collectors


German Society for Police History


Society for  Weapons and Costume History


Association for weapons technology and history


Kuratorium to promote historic weapons collections


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Our Collectors Fair

The FORUM HISTORICUM Collectors fair is one of Germany's leading specialist events for militaria, military historics, phaleristics and collectors weapons from 1800 to 1960. 

Since 1997 it has been the preferred venue for militariy relic-, medalls- and weapons-collectors from all European countries and even some from overseas.

Nearly 100 exhibitors offer a great selection of original historical military artifacts, medalscollectors weapons and other contemporary historical collectibles to an international audience (experienced collectors, military historians, textbook authors and interested museums). 
The Focus is on German Militaria  from the Napoleonic era to the beginning of the Federal Republic of Germany (approx. 1800-1960 that will appeal to both the novice and experienced, serious collectorThe treasures  you can find at the FORUM HISTORICUM Fair in Wirges, are sure to capture the heart of any history buff. 
Most of the pieces on offer originate directly from veterans and their families, as well as from house clearances or from resolutions of prestigious german collections
A wide range of specialist literature, antiquarian books and bibliophile literary works on military history complement the impressive product range of our collectors' fair.
As many of the exhibitors are private collectors and semi-professional dealers, you can often find extremly interesting rarities (one-of-a-kind collectibles) at affordable prices and you have the chance to make surprisingly good bargains ... There are also often private visitors from our area who attend our fair, because they want to sell discovery from their attic or an old family heirloom
So a visit is for sure worthwile, even with a long journey. Buy the German WW2-relics at the place where it comes from !!!
We hope to see you at the next Forum Historicum Fair in Wirges to spend a successful day with fellow collectors and dealers from all over Europe in a pleasant atmosphere.

   Historical Society Siershahn

These are our main benefits
  • real "Collectors Fair" in the truest sense of the word: "by collectors for collectors"
  • central location and excellent accessibility
    • just near the highway A3 (Cologne-Frankfurt) and highway A48 (Trier-Koblenz)
    • only a 45 minutes drive away from the airports FRANKFURT/MAIN and COLOGNE-BONN
    • direct ICE-TRAIN CONNECTION (also from the two airports) to Montabaur
    • a short distance from the BENELUX countries (about 2 hours by car)
  • the proximity to KOBLENZ (the largest Prussian fortress of the 19th century with numerous military historical sights, fortresses, monuments and war relics 
  • the proximity to the large MILITARY MUSEUM KOBLENZ (Historical Defense Technology Study Collection - WTS - of the German Army)  ... with 7200 sqm one of the largest military museums in Europe !!!
  • selected regional and some international exhibitors ... with a very high percentage of regional private suppliers
  • very competitive rents for the stalls ... on "Collectors Level"  ... for our club members the stand fee is included in the annual fee.
  • focusing on a high-quality supply of original relics of European military history at moderate prices
  • an international affluent audience
  • Support from all major German collector associations, professional journals and historical organizations
  • an excellent and affordable range of catering in our Panorama Restaurant
  • accommodation in authentic style in the baroque castle Engers or the castle keep of the Saynburg
  • very pleasant and friendly atmosphere
  • and (last but not least) a flexible and service-oriented event team that knows the needs of exhibitors and visitors from over 30 years of personal experience.
Our new Marketing Concept


  • new corporate design with royal-blue colour and the "Old Fritz"-Logo.
  • an informative and attractive website in seven languages
  • intense poster and flyer advertising targeted to all major European Arms and Militaria Fairs
  • permanent advertisement and promotional articles in all relevant german professional journals

also contributes to the positive image change which is especially reflected in the quality and quantity of exhibitors visitors and offered objects.

Do not let the success to others, but help by taking part to establish the collectors' fair FORUM HISTORICUM in Ebernhahn internationally and to become a premium collector's fair.

NEW Lokation

The biggest and best FORUM HISTORICUM Fair ever !

In order to be able to continue growing, we have moved our event 2017 into the newly renovated Town-Hall of WIRGES, which, in addition to a larger exhibition area, also offers a very appealing ambience. The car park has enough space for 600 cars

To receive regular information from us, you can subscribe to our newsletter:

military historical sights arround Wirges

You should take the opportunity to combine your visit to the Wirges Fair definitely with a visit to the great Military Museum Koblenz (WTS), one of the largest military museums in Europe (7,200 m2) ... or visit one of the many other military historical sights, fortresses, memorials, war relics a.s.o. around Wirges.


Partner Links


Military Vehicle Meeting KOBLENZ-Schmidtenhoehe (no german WW2 vehicles)

Top Military Sites


Auf dem Weg nach Wirges - On the way to Wirges - En route to Wirges - Sulla via di Wirges - W drodze do Wirges - Na cestě k Wirges - На пути к Wirges

Visitor Statistics

(only english language website)

online: 1    today: 0   yesterday: 21    since june 1, 2012: 94982


© Geschichtsverein Siershahn e.V.